Meeting point Campsite Fontanivas Disentis

Follow the link to Google Maps location of the meeting point for all courses which is in the camping ground Fontanivas.

If you are travelling you can use your smart phone to search for Gold Gusti which will lead you to the meeting point.

From the train station Disentis, it is 1.2 kilometres to the meeting point. You can walk in the direction to Lukmanierpass.

For pedestrians, there is a walking track near the pylon. Follow the direction towards Fontanivas.

Cars and bicycles are required to drive past the pylon and turn left after the long left curve.

There is a bus (Postauto) from the Station in Disentis. It drives in the direction of Lukmanierpass. You will need to disembark at the bus stop Fontanvias. Please check the timetable. In the high season there is a local bus which is free from town to the camping ground Fontanivas.

The following map will provide an overview of the Camping Ground and the location of the meeting point for the gold washing courses.

The following picture shows the Camp Big Nugget directly on the Rhine. Here at the meeting point all activities start for gold panning. There are enough parking spaces for cars and coach available.